AREG NEWS: AREG response to UK Government Powering Up Britain Strategy

March 30, 2023
AREG NEWS: AREG response to UK Government Powering Up Britain Strategy

Jean Morrison, chairperson of Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), broadly welcomed the focus on UK renewable energy projects and is pleased to see the Acorn project named as a ‘leading contender’ for Track 2 funding within the Government strategy.

She said: “It’s reassuring to see the Acorn Project in St Fergus named as a “leading contender” within today’s Powering up Britain Strategy and the sooner government can confirm this the better.

After being side-lined for government funding in 2021, we are pleased to see the Acorn scheme, which is one of the most advanced of its kind in the UK, in line for investment along with the Viking project in Humberside.

Acorn will help bring in vital private investment, create new green jobs and build a pipeline of CCS projects that will play a critical role in helping the UK meet its aims to reduce carbon pollution.

We welcome the announcement of the first 20 projects which are proceeding to the next stage of the process for the first electrolytic hydrogen allocation round (HAR1), including five Scottish projects, which help put us on the path to achieving the Scottish Government ambition of 5 Gigawatts (GW) of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen by 2030. This rapidly growing sector has the potential to support 300,000 jobs by 2045 and contribute up to £25bn a year to the Scottish economy.

The launch of a Great British Insulation Scheme, extension of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme until 2028 and the introduction of a Heat Pump Investment Accelerator, are all part of the Government’s announcement today. Helping people stay warm in their homes and reducing energy costs not only eases the burden on families and individuals who are struggling with the cost of energy but benefits the environment as well.

Although disappointing that the car manufacturer mandate has been delayed, increased investment in electric vehicle charging infrastructure will make owning electric cars more accessible for the average person and supports decarbonisation of the transport sector.

The challenges to develop a net zero future and to work towards enhanced current provision with new energy solutions will really need joined up thinking that goes beyond multiple UK and Scottish parliament terms and one of the biggest challenges will be informing and preparing the public for the changes coming to how we power everyday life, work and travel – so consultation and engagement will be key.

With 50 years’ expertise in the oil and gas sector, two leading academic institutions helping to facilitate collaboration across industry, government, and research as well as proximity to important infrastructure and facilities, now is the time to pull together as a region and capitalise on the opportunities with CCS, hydrogen, and offshore wind, to realise our potential as a global leader in transition.

“AREG will continue to support its members and associates, who will play a leading role in developing the foundations and networks necessary for these emerging renewables markets.”

AREG is one of the original energy transition organisations and represents more than 280 member organisations, enabling net zero.

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AREG is the original energy transition organisation, working on behalf of members to empower the energy supply chain and champion its expertise. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to find out more about membership.

AREG has played an important role in the growth of Scotland’s renewable energy sector, engaging the supply chain and developing the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre. However, we are only at the very beginning of the transition that AREG was established to both lead and support so there are still opportunities for companies to get into the constantly evolving renewables supply chain. We look forward to continuing our work together as renewables builds on its place as Scotland’s main source of power, and as we seek to deliver real change in the crucial areas of heat and transport.

Scottish Renewables

Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce has worked closely with AREG since its formation. The recent progress in the developments of offshore wind projects by Equinor and Vattenfall are as a result of the work of the group over many years. The north-east is known as the oil and gas capital of Europe. At the Chamber, we believe the region must evolve its position to being recognised as the energy capital. Whilst hydrocarbons will continue to be essential in driving our economy for years to come, the generation of renewable resources will play an increasingly important role in providing cost-effective power, innovative development and economic growth.

Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce

The enthusiasm and dedication of the early group that would become AREG was fundamental in us choosing to launch All-Energy in Aberdeen. The first tiny show was held in 2001, and AREG’s Chairman at the time, Jeremy Cresswell, played such an active role that I often describe him in terms such as All-Energy’s ‘midwife’. All-Energy is now the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference in terms of number of attendees, space booked, and number of exhibiting companies. As AREG became firmly established, their presence and support for the event grew spectacularly over the years. We thank them most sincerely for their invaluable input.


Vattenfall has forged a strong working relationship with AREG through the development of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre. AREG has worked tirelessly on behalf of the North East and it can take enormous credit for the growth of sustainable energy in the region and the path it has cleared for the region to capture further investment.


Aberdeen City and Shire is emerging as a key location for renewables by successfully transferring its world-class oil and gas expertise into the sector and AREG has done much to advance this through a broad range of initiatives. It has acted as a catalyst in driving further investment in the local economy by engaging with companies, Government, public bodies and existing projects and we have been pleased to support their efforts. Scottish Enterprise will continue to engage with AREG as we increase Scotland’s use of renewable energy.

Scottish Enterprise