AREG’s dynamic Communications Network highlights the critical role of communication and collaboration within the sector. By featuring expert speakers, the network explores how effective communication drives success and the challenges that arise when communication breaks down.
The network organises three events annually, offering a mix of virtual and in-person gatherings.
The first event of the 2024/25 membership year was held in April 2024 and centered on “Navigating Messaging in the Energy Transition.” This online webinar featured guest speakers from Mearns & Gill and GES GB, who discussed the vital role of communication in the energy transition and key considerations for effective messaging in the sector. To watch the recorded webinar, please visit our YouTube channel here.
The second Communications event for 24/25 was held in collaboration with our Young Professionals network and focused on Breaking into the Energy Industry and Navigating Career Paths.
This exciting event fostered insights from AGR (Advanced Global Recruitment) and TIDE (Transition through Inclusion and Diversity for Equity). View the recorded webinar here.
In December, we also plan to host an in-person Communications event – more details will be announced soon.
To join any of our network group mailing lists, please email the AREG team at [email protected].
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